Tax Preparation
Our Unique Process Saves You Time and Money
When you meet with one of our professionals, we prepare the return with you during our meeting to further increase efficiency. By doing this, you’re involved in the process. We get all of our questions answered so nothing gets missed, and you feel comfortable knowing what went into it. At the end of your appointment, you walk away with your completed return, and you save money because it was completed in one session with one professional.
Our professionals have years of experience preparing tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, and any other entities with tax-reporting requirements. Unlike CPA’s and attorneys, who may or may not choose to specialize in taxes, our accountants are Enrolled Agents (EA’s). EA’s are federally-authorized tax practitioners who have demonstrated technical competence in tax law and are the only taxpayer representatives licensed to practice by the United States government.
All EA’s specialize in taxation and are required by the federal government to maintain their professional skills with continuing professional education. Only EA’s, CPA’s, and attorneys may represent taxpayers without limitation before the IRS. We are ready to help you navigate complex tax codes to make sure you are paying no more than necessary.